

I don't care if anyone does what they want to do.

I don't care if anyone does what they want to do.

They don’t even seem to most of the time. It seems like I should be keeping an eye on that, yet I don’t. I have my own aspirations to ignore. Most of us aren’t burning our attention promoting a greater cause (not a social one, at any rate). We might just not be paying attention at all. That seems harsh but evident. We might be able to do something about it, on a social scale, but it would require more people to trust each other. The absence of that trust is also harsh but evident. We don’t offer security or salvation: not even the illusion of it. We are conmen in reverse. I suspect this position only feels noble.

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Milkshakes, in review

Milkshakes, in review

No one cares if I do what I want to do.

No one cares if I do what I want to do.