

Diamonds - an alternative card trick gaem

Diamonds - an alternative card trick gaem

I enjoy Hearts and Tichu and the like, so I made a variant of those gaems. It is untested at this point.

Link to the current version, which should fit onto one page.


Rank stack: low - A 2 ... 10 J Q K - high           Suit stack: (♦️ = ♥️ = ♣️) < ♠️

  1. Teams of 2 sit around a table, teammates across from each other.

  2. Give each team a shuffled standard poker deck.

  3. Play 2 rounds then score team stashes.

    1. 8 points for the A♦️ + 1 for every other ♦️ (20 total per deck).

  4. Repeat from step 2 until a team hits 200 points; highest score wins.

The Round (instructions addressed to all players)

  1. Draw a 13 card hand from your team’s deck facedown.

  2. Look at your hand. Put a hand card face down in front of each player, and one face down near the middle of the table as a wager. Whoever completes this step first leads the first trick.

  3. Put the 3 cards you received from other players in your hand.

  4. Play tricks.

    1. The leader reveals their wager card, then plays one of these combos in the middle of the table:

      1. Single

      2. Set—pair, triple, or quad (A / 2 2 / 3 3 3 / 4 4 4 4)

      3. 2 to 4 card run (A 2 / 3 4 5 / 6 7 8 9)

      4. Two pair run (10 10 J J)

      5. Triple-pair run / Full house (A A A 2 2 / 3 3 4 4 4)

      6. 2 to 4 card suited run. Must say “suited” on play, otherwise just a run (A♣️ 2♣️ / 3♥️ 4♥️ 5♥️ / 6♦️ 7♦️ 8♦️ 9♦️)

    2. Clockwise, either play a higher ranked matching combo with the same number of cards or pass. Combo rank is determined by highest ranked card.

    3. If your combo is on top at the start of your turn, you win the trick: add the trick pile to your team stash. Lead a new trick.

  5. First player to go out (no cards) reveals all wagers and stashes one.

    1. When you stash a wager card, your team scores points:
      A = 1, 2 to 10 = face value, J = 11, Q = 12, K = 13

  6. Second player to go out stashes another wager card.

  7. When a team goes out, the round ends. The out team stashes remaining hands and wager cards.


  1. Hand card counts are public knowledge.

  2. Stashes are facedown.

Special cards

A♣️ Skips the next active player’s turn.

A♠️ Can be played as any rank in a run or set.

A♥️ Beats all other ranks when played, but combo rank drops to 0 once on the pile (can be beaten by anything).

A♦️ Worth 8 points.

All other ♦️ Worth 1 point.

All ♠️ Beats its own rank in other suits (8♥️ > 7♠️ > 7♥️). Play in sets and runs as its listed rank (5♦️ 6♣️ 7♠️ 8♣️).


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