

Zaethro 2's Head - Attempt 1

Zaethro 2's Head - Attempt 1

Remember kids: nothing is impossible. It's just really really hard and most of the time you'll screw up in demoralizing, soul-crushing ways.

I'm not done with this first crack--not even close--but this monster has been sitting on my table for a few days with no additional work on it. Zaethro Mk 1 is there both for reference and to remind me that--with assistance from semi-professionally talented art friends--I can totally do this. Except that said semi-pro art bro is not involved on this one.

Theoretically responsible culprits for this lack of progress, in no order of relevance or understandability:

  1. I've never used foam before in a sculpting capacity and am innately awful at forming it.
  2. I don't like turning on my hot glue gun (critical for the additive aspect), because it feels like a waste if I'm not going to use it continuously for a few minutes. That sounds dumb, and it is, but it's also why I got to the present point so quickly: all big important pieces that needed a lot of glue.
  3. Pressing concerns related to learning how to program in all forms. Given the state of the tech industry and my own microcosm within it, development of these skills could be described as  immediately vital.
  4. Facebook.

But fear not, dear mass readership! 2aethro will get did. I have my word on it.

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Ready for "Prime Time".

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